
 Our Approach

Patient Care - SIM (Screen - Intervene - Monitor)

  • Screening for risk factors and for the symptoms would lead to early detection and early intervention
  • Early intervention is essential for preventing and managing lifestyle diseases
  • Lifestyle diseases are referred to as chronic diseases. This require regular monitoring and renewed prescription of Lifestyle Medicine

Thus Screen-Intervene-Monitor approach would lead to effective prevention - management - reversal of Lifestyle Diseases

Measuring Stress & Healthy Coping

Measuring Negative Stress is called DISTRESS coupled with an unhealthy lifestyle leads to a category of disorders, which are commonly referred to as:

  • Stress - Related - Diseases

  • Lifestyle Diseases

  • Psycho [mind] - Somatic [body] Diseases

  • Non-Communicable Disease [NCDs]

  • Chronic Diseases
  • Hence, measuring stress serves as a predictive marker [for the onset of a disease] and as a prognostic marker [for the treatment efficiency]

    Measuring Biological Age and Metabolic Age serves as a marker for premature degenerative changes and signs of early aging

    Clinically proven healthy coping strategies can prevent, manage &reverse stress - related - diseases

    Patient - Centric - Medicine

    Physician Physician - Centric Medicine
    is where physician takes responsibility of healing a person through medication and surgery. These are considered, as passive approaches where patient is expected to be a mute follower of the prescription with NO involvement in understand either the disease or the medical management of the disease. This approach is suitable to deal with the communicable / infectious diseases.

    Patient - Centric Medicine
    Lifestyle diseases are caused by unhealthy lifestyle. Hence, medication or surgery becomes incomplete in the management of the lifestyle diseases. Therefore, along with the medication, patient has to actively participate in the disease management by adopting a healthy lifestyle through healthy eating; exercise; stress management; avoiding substance abuse. The key features of Patient-Centric-Medicine is referred to as

    The key features of Patient-Centric-Medicine is referred to as 5Ps of Future Medicine:

  • Pro - Active

  • Preventive

  • Promotive

  • Positive &

  • Personalized Medicine
  • Proven Traditional Medicine

    Proven Traditional In the last 5-6 decades, the change in disease demography has lead to the renewed interest in the use of traditional medicine. The non-communicable diseases are amongst the top killers and account for 68% deaths across the world and related morbidity [suffering]. This has resulted in active research on safety & efficacy of traditional medicine from all cultures across the world. The recognized forms of traditional medicine with leading, if not compelling evidence are:

  • Mind-Body Medicine [including Yoga]

  • Herbal Medicine [including Ayurveda]

  • Energy Medicine [including Acupuncture]

  • Naturopathic Medicine [including Physical Therapy]

  • Manipulative Medicine [including Chiropractic]
  • Lifestyle Medicine


    It is medically proven that

    • 1 . The way we live
    • 2 . The quantity of exercise
    • 3 . The food we eat
    • 4 . The way we think & behave
    • 5 . The quality of our relationships
    • 6 . The way we cope with our work & personal stress forms healthy or unhealthy lifestyle

    • Unhealthy lifestyle over a period of time increases the risk of diseases called 'lifestyle diseases'.
    • Conversely, healthy lifestyle can prevent, manage and even reverse lifestyle diseases.
    • Hence, advice on healthy lifestyle has become a 'medical prescription' leading to the practice of lifestyle medicine.

    Yogaksema has evolved a comprehensive Lifestyle Medicine Prescription called Lifestyle Intervention Program [LIP™]would include:

  • Disease Specific yoga therapy as opposed to 'one-size-fit-for-all yoga'.

  • Clinically Proven authentic ayurvedic prescription as opposed to 'hit & miss / trial & error' herbal preparations recommended by friends and relatives.

  • Personalized clinical diet planning and nutrition as opposed to following the crash/fad diet.

  • Mind - Body medicine to manage mind and emotions as opposed to substance abuse leading to addiction to intoxicating agents.

  • Proven Healthy Habits structured routine and structured leisure-. These are prescribed based on individuals' body type called dosha [quality of tissues] and personality type called 'Guna' [quality of mind].

  • Tested Clinical Pain Management Strategies to manage pain related to arthritis; injury, sports injury, neuro - Muscular degeneration and cancer.

  • These lifestyle strategies are endorsed and prescribed by physicians and delivered by trained traditional medicine physicians and therapists.

    Functional Integration

    Structural Integration Structural Integration or Health - MallApproach
    Recognizing the need for multi-disciplinary approach in the management of lifestyle diseases, medical community has progressed to integrate the traditional medicine. This is often done, by having traditional medicine physicians and therapists under one roof. Thus, a patient gets access to and can choose to avail the services of traditional medicine along with the conventional medicine. The disadvantage of this approach is that-the onus is on patients to choose the required form of traditional medicine

    Functional Integration
    The answer to such a problem is a proactive-progressive approach called Functional Integration. In this approach physicians of both conventional and traditional medicine work together and come up with a comprehensive - integrative prescription. Thus traditional medicine, which is treated as an option becomes medically valid prescription.

    Evidence Based Integrative Medicine

    Evidence Medicine is all about ensuring the safety and efficacy of the treatments offered to a patient. Hence professionals and patients alike demand high quality clinical evidence. Adopting medical advances and strong evidence in clinical practice is called 'Evidence - Based - Medicine'. This allows professionals to be transparent amongst themselves and with patients about treatment strategies being adopted.

    Traditional medicine needs this approach to become part of the Integrative Medicine. While these are practiced for over 5000 years, traditional medicine needs to be validated and evaluated to ensure safety and efficacy. Hence, ONLY those components of traditional medicine, which are clinically tested, would have to be adopted to evolve and practice 'Evidence Based Integrative Medicine'.'.